Imagine I offered you an apple or an apple tree. Or, a fish or a lake full of fish. Which would you choose? While the apple or the fish might satisfy an immediate need, the apple tree or lake holds enduring value. In these examples, the apple and the fish are depreciating assets—they lose value every second, eventually reaching zero if not used or traded. This is the same fate of inflationary assets, which follow a “hockey stick curve,” rapidly losing value until they’re nearly worthless.
Depreciating Asset
On the other hand, the apple tree and the lake are appreciating assets. At the very least, they retain their value over time and, when stewarded properly, can increase in productivity and abundance. In a stewardship context, these assets can provide a sustainable, ongoing yield to share, while also growing in value.
Appreciating Asset
However, appreciating assets present a challenge. They are typically large, tangible, and not easily divided or traded. They lack liquidity, meaning they’re hard to exchange for smaller, everyday needs. Imagine trying to trade a lake for a breakfast or selling a productive orchard for a handful of supplies. Furthermore, why would anyone want to part with something that’s growing in value every day?
This is where depreciating assets offer a unique advantage. If I have 100 fish that will spoil in a few weeks, I’m motivated to share or trade them. Like a game of “hot potato,” depreciating assets encourage trading, sharing, and community interaction when their value is highest.
Here’s the beautiful connection between appreciating and depreciating assets: the apples (depreciating assets) are a direct yield of the apple tree (appreciating asset). By properly stewarding the tree, you continually generate apples that can be traded or shared within the community, mirroring the natural abundance found in Gods creation.
The Vision of Stewardship Trust and Share Trust: Combining the Best of Both Assets
Stewardship Trust and Share Trust bring together the strengths of both appreciating and depreciating assets. Stewardship Trust takes the greatest appreciating asset—land—and stewards it for increased value and productivity. Meanwhile, Share Trust issues Share Credits, which are tied to the depreciating nature of currency (like the USD), encouraging members to trade and share their resources.
This approach offers the best of both worlds: the growth and enduring value of appreciating assets, alongside the liquidity and community engagement fostered by depreciating assets. With 100% value gain on the land retained and incentivized sharing, this system maximizes both long-term growth and fluid exchange.
By aligning more closely with the efficient and effective principles of God’s creation, Stewardship and Share Trust invite us to experience and share in true abundance. This isn’t just a lofty vision; it’s a practical, tangible opportunity to build a sustainable, connected community today.